The only gym in Shawnee that provided more variety and fun fitness than any other! Remember that your first class is free!



“You’re a fighter. Look at everything you’ve overcome. Don’t give up now.”– Olivia Benson

Our lives have changed so much in the last 60 days and it’s hard to find the words to describe the emotions that we’ve all been experiencing.

The best thing you can do it to take care of yourself mentally and physically.

Here’s a list of suggestions for you, but if you do none of them, that’s okay too!

Drink water
Eat fruit daily
Plan healthy meals
FaceTime or call 5-7 friends/family per day
Get outside for fresh air, walks and bike rides
Get a good night’s rest
Take a multivitamin
Play board games
Start a Journal
Pursue a goal that you’ve wanted to do for a while!
Buy some basic workout equipment: jump rope, resistance bands, dumbbells, yoga mat.

Play board games

Start a Journal
Pursue a goal that you’ve wanted to do for a while!
Buy some basic workout equipment: jump rope, resistance bands, dumbbells, yoga mat.

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